Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Epic Games shows off Unreal Engine 3 for iPhone and iPod touch

When I think about portable gaming consoles, the iPhone or iPod touch are the last things on my mind. Forget the fact that the controls can be a bit hard to handle on the touchscreen display, I just don't think I can enjoy gaming on such as small screen with low-res games. Well, it looks like things are about to change in the graphics department, where I think iPhone games are severely lacking, with the introduction of Epic Games's Unreal Engine 3 for the iPhone platform. Above is a screenshot of Unreal Tournament played on an iPod touch for a demonstration.

Anandtech's Anand Lal Shimpi got a chance to try out the game, and he comments, "In practice, the controls work well... the frame rate was smooth. There are more visuals to be added, as well as some polishing, but the demo looked very good for an iPhone game." But don't take his word for it, watch a video of the demo gameplay after the break.

Epic Games plans on licensing Unreal Engine 3 to interested developers some time in the near future. That would enable anyone with an interest in iPhone game development to take advantage of this tool to create better looking (and better playing titles). In short, iPhone gaming is about to get real interesting.

Source: [Anandtech]