Mobile Firefox, a.k.a. Fennec, has been in the making for quite a long time now. I remember first writing about it nearly a year ago, saying that a version for Symbian was in the works and planned for completion before this year ends. Well, it looks like Fennec won't make it in this year after all, though Mozilla's VP of mobile Jay Sullivan promises that they will release the first release candidate of the much-awaited mobile browser in a week's time.
A version for Nokia's Symbian smartphones won't be available right off the bat, but it is said that the very first "final" version of Fennec will still be available for another Nokia smartphone: the Nokia N900, which runs a Linux-based OS called Maemo.
A version of Fennec for Windows Mobile is currently in alpha-testing stage, and ports for BlackBerry, WebOS, and Android can be expected (though not guaranteed). The only thing that's really sure at the moment is that Fennec won't be appearing in Apple's App Store for use in the iPhone and iPod touch. That's sure to break a few mobile Web users' hearts.
Source: [DeepTech/CNet]