Above is a screenshot lifted directly from an English language manual that LG includes in one of its new TVs, which have a nifty feature called USB support that makes it able to play movies and other media files directly from a user's USB flash drive or other USB device. Now as you can see, the screenshot shows at least two movie files that are allegedly of pirated movies, which are The Aviator and The Incredibles. I'm not sure if LG is aware of these allegedly pirated movies, but if they are aware or if these really are pirated movie files, then you could say that the company is promoting piracy, or at least condoning it. This is what TorrentFreak and other sites are insinuating, saying that there could be no other use for this USB support feature but the direct play of ripped media files on USB devices. It's a good theory, but I think LG means to do no harm by including this convenient feature on some of their new TVs, and shouldn't be punished for it.
Source: [Torrent Freak]